Service Builder Platform

Service Builder Platform

Rapid Development, Testing, and Launch of New Mobile Messaging & VAS Services

PROTEI Service Builder Environment (SBE) is the service creation environment that has an intuitive graphic interface combining drag-and-drop and low-code scripting capabilities for the rapid development of new value-added services. It allows an operator or content provider to create new services without a need for software developers, accelerating the time-to-market of tailored services and at the same time improving the control over these services.

Key Benefits

  • Ease of use
  • Drives revenues and reduces costs
  • Eases network integration and reduces integration cost
  • Quickly brings new value-added services to your network

Features and Capabilities

  • Different VAS services can be adopted on top of the platform
  • Intuitive graphic interface combining drag-and-drop and low-code scripting capabilities\
  • User-Friendly Graphical Editor allows to select from a palette of ready-made Java objects and wire them into a service flow.
  • Allows integration via any HTTP-based and JSON-based API to external entities.
  • Allows integration to any internal and/or external database.
  • Allow integration to Core NE’s by adding appropriate front-end (SIP, MAP, CAP, etc.)
  • Service Creation Environment allows customizing different service logics by dragging and dropping proper icons from the toolbar.
  • Easy and flexible service provisioning and management.
  • Multilanguage support for all channels USSD, Voice, SMS, and HTTP
  • API for integration with text-to-speech engines and speech recognition engines.
  • Custom CDRs per service
  • Web-based Simulation Environment – a pop-up simulator to show the end-user experience of the service under design.