PROTEI Installed Advanced PRBT for Umniah
PROTEI international team from PROTEI, Silat Solutions has deployed advanced Personal Ring Back Tone (PRBT) for Jordan’s fastest growing mobile telecom operator «Umniah». This project helps Umniah modernize, improve and monetize existing PRBT service. Easy and invisible migration from previous solution to new platform was made for more than 140 000 subscribers with saving all their personal settings. The key project advantage is a range of options and marketing tools, which have been made especially for the customer, considering Jordan market access. For example, «Hang up SMS» helps to know which song has other subscribers, “Anti RBT” allows to set your own melody for all outbond calls. In addition to this, songs, ordered via Web-portal can be rating by subscriber by pressing «like” button. As for marketing tools, PRBT has some interesting ones to manage advertising campaigns: “second song as a gift”, bonus points for inviting friends to use RBT service, “Auto dialer” for SMS-sending with PBT advertising and etc. The price for the song can be differentiated according the way of order (SMS, Web-portal, USSD). For example, if the price of Web-portal will be smaller, the subscriber is stimulated to use internet connection. One of new interesting services – Video RBT is coming soon. This is opportunity to use RBT for Video calls. With more than 4 years in MEA region, our team has a strong presence there and has been working to provide advanced technologies to help Operators grow and succeed.