NGN-technologies from PROTEI in Senegal
PROTEI has launched a NGN training stand for the ESMT (L’Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications) students. The ESMT is the leading representative of the ITU in Africa. It was founded by 7 African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal), students from 18 African countries study there. For NGN-classroom the ESMT was looking for the producer which equipment was well-known at regional market and used the latest convergent technologies. For the first time PROTEI equipment was installed in Senegal in 2005 for the local content-provider Tabou Communication and it demonstrated its high reliability and functionality. PROTEI NGN solutions perfectly meet all these requirement As a result of international negotiation the ESMT NGN-classroom was fully equipped by PROTEI systems. Our specialists have installed 5 Class Softswitch, trunking gateway and access equipment. So now ESMT students are able to study NGN features, types of NGN-equipment, interaction between all elements of the network and signaling systems (SS7, SIP, SIP-T, MEGACO). Moreover, SIP-T and MEGACO previously studied only in theory, but with the help of PROTEI equipment they have become available for the practical trainings. The training stand installation for the ESMT became a good extension of PROTEI educational policy and a new step in relations with African telecom specialists.