Mexican MVNE deployed PROTEI HLR/HSS
PROTEI has proved demands for its MVNO-targeted solutions by implementing new project. New project have been successfully implemented in Mexico where PROTEI deployed its HLR/HSS as a part of the turn-key MVNE project with one of world leading OSS/BSS supplier Redknee. Four new MNVOs are now built basing on this MVNE providing wide range of services including 4G data with affordable prices to their subscribers and encouraging market competition. Convenient licensing, decent functionality and competitive price were key factors impacting Redknee’s choice. Redknee’s real-time billing, charging, policy and customer care offerings provide the agility and scalability to drive a unique user experience and increase profitability. Choosing PROTEI HLR/HSS RedKnee confirms the high level and competitiveness of PROTEI solutions.