PROTEI Upgraded MTT Business platform
PROTEI has successfully completed a full modernization of IN-platform for MTT company. “MTT Business” platform was developed by PROTEI for supporting the full range of IN-services such as Freephone, Premium Rate and others. The platform has also included a high-performance traffic routing node with flexible capabilities. The modernization has greatly expanded range of MTT B2B-services based on PROTEI platform and accelerated new innovative products implementation. “”MTT Business”” platform was launched in 2015 as a multi-module business set of telecom solutions and passed several updates for last three years. In 2018, both platform software and hardware were upgraded according to the Operator’s business needs. Advanced functionality, marketing automation and services’ migration to a new core became main results of the modernization. Using the enlarged functionality of MTT Business platform several pilot projects have already been implemented, for example voice chat bots with synthesis and speech recognition for customers in the transport services area (taxi and transportation) and advanced interactive IVR for retail and online marketplaces. “”Smart”” call routing scenarios, full integration of business solutions with popular messengers and social networks and advanced “”virtual office”” are available for MTT customers now. “”API-based management of products and settings has become the key benefit of the MTT platform upgrade. It means that MTT Business users can flexibly scale and easy customize MTT Business services, responsive all needs of their business and thus optimizing their processes””, said Dmitry Onishchenko, Director of MTT Technical Development and Maintenance Department. «Due to MTT project PROTEI developed a range of unique solutions and got a unique implementation experience. Our teamwork with MTT has allowed creating and deploying complicated but flexible system based on PROTEI innovation technologies and MTT strategic view», – added Vladimir Freinkman, PROTEI VP Marketing and Business Development Notification server, call center, service builder enabler and virtual office provided by PROTEI were also become essential parts of MTT business platform.